Yoga Classes with Karen


Come and experience the joy of yoga by joining a class with Karen.She will give you an insight into the wonderful benefits of Yoga. Classes have a safe & friendly atmosphere and Karen will ensure that your individual needs are being met.


Absolute beginners are welcome and if you haven’t tried yoga before this would be a wonderful introduction. This yoga class is ideal for those people who want to improve their flexibility, concentration and physical and mental wellbeing.


If you have practiced Yoga before this is an opportunity to obtain a more confident and rounded practice.


Some mats will be provided, but please bring your own mat if you have one. Loose clothing to be worn – and it is advisable not to eat less than one hour before class. Please bring your own pillow / cushion and a blanket to the class, all helps with the relaxation.

Turn up –roll out your mat and enjoy


Karen is also an accredited teacher of the British Wheel of Yoga. After qualifying as a yoga teacher in India –Karen has had 14 years of practice and teaching in many parts of the world. She teaches a style of yoga that is varied and grounded in the principles of Hatha Yoga but fused with elements of Sivananda and Tibetan Yoga. You will love it. 


Yoga Classes

Classes run from September through to the end of July each year, with breaks over Christmas, Easter and August.


Hoylake Wirral 

Gentle Yoga with Karen

Every Tuesday Morning

Class times

10.30am – 12.00pm

Booking is essential for these classes

Hoylake Community Centre

31 Hoyle Rd



CH47 3AG


Do you want to know more? Please click here 


Waterloo Merseyside 

Every Wednesday 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Booking is essential for these classes

PE room 2 upstairs

Ian Robinson Sports Centre

Merchant Taylors School

136 Liverpool Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool 

L23 0QP



Do you want to know more? Please click here 


Heswall Wirral 

Every Monday 7.30pm – 9pm

Heswall Hall

111 Telegraph Rd,



CH60 0AF

Next to the library  Heswall



Do you want to know more? Please click here


Bebington 3Ls Classes Wirral 

Every Monday & Wed Morning with Karen

10.00am – 12pm

Booking is essential for these classes please contact the 3 Ls organisation for term dates and joining instructions on 0151 645 0066

Bebington Civic Centre 

Town Hall 

Civic way 



CH63 7PT



Do you want to know more? Please click here