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Term Definition
Bandha (Ban-dah)

Muscular locks applied by yogis during certain breathing exercises. In order to unite the prana and apanaa posture in which organs and muscles are contracted to create energy lock in a specific area.


Ashtanga Yoga pose dedicated to Sage Bhairava.

Bhastrika ( Bhas-tri-ka)

Advanced breathing technique /pranayama. Forceful inhaling exhaling. Brings the body into balance

Bhramari pranayama

Breathing practice in which a soft "humming-bee" sound is produced during exhalation to stimulate the Ajna Chakra


Cobra Pose

Bikram yoga

Bikram Yoga is a system of yoga that Bikram Choudhury synthesised from traditional hatha yoga techniques and popularized beginning in the early 1970s. Performed in a hot environment.

Brahmamuhurta ( Braah-ma-mu-hoor-ta)

The early morning hours 


Absolute  reality. The Truth proclaimed in the Upanishads, infinite and eternal all pervading, changeless. Existence knowledge bliss absolute consciousness


The intellect.