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Term Definition
Jagrat ( Jaag-rat)

Awake state of consciousness



Jala neti

A kriya or cleansing technique. Water is poured in through one nostril and out of the other. A neti jug is used

Jalandhara bandha (Jaa-lan-dha-ra-band-dha)

The chin lock to force prana downward


Continuous chanting i.e repetition of a mantra

Jihva dhauti

One of the shatkarma techniques for cleansing the tongue.

Jnana mudra

The gesture of knowledge - in this the index finger is bent so that its tip is joined with the tip of the thumb, the other three fingers are spread out.

Jnana Yoga

The intellectual – philosophical path or study of yoga attained through spontaneous self-analysis and investigation of abstract and speculative ideas


Knowledge wisdom