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Term Definition

Spiritual sacrifice often used in conjunction with sacrificial fire agni- using ancient mantra prayers and offerings  derived from practices from Vedic times


Death (Time).2.The Lord of Death


means "restraints", nonviolence, truthfulness, nonstealing, celibacy, and nonhoarding, five of the ten ethical guidelines of classic Yoga


State of union between two opposites - body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment, from the Sanskrit yug meaning "to join together or yoke"; a system of techniques to enable the joining of the physical and emotional/spiritual bodies.

Yoga nidra

A deep relaxation technique also called 'yogic sleep' in which mind and body is at complete rest but with complete awareness

Yoga Sutras

A collection of concise threads(sutras) on the aims and practices of Yoga as collected and written by the scholar Patanjali.


One who has attained Yoga, or union of the two bodies,or one who practices Yoga on a committed basis