Term | Definition |
Pranava | The sacred monosyllable OM |
Pranayama | breathing technique |
Pranayama (Praa-naa-yaa-ma) | Breath control. Control of Prana ( Vital energy)Regulation practice and restraint of breath. The fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga |
Prarabdha(Praa-rab-dha) | The karma that has been chosen to be worked out in this lifetime |
Prasad | An offering usually food to and from the guru or higher power |
Pratyahara | Sense withdrawal; first stage of concentrating on the mind during meditation |
Pravritti | Nature of the mind |
Purana | Eighteen ancient books consisting of legends and mythological narrations dealing with creation, recreation and the genealogies of sages and rulers |
Purusha | Pure consciousness |