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Term Definition
Vajrasana (vahj-raa-sah-nah)

Thunderbolt pose

Vama swara

Flow of breath through left nostril


Ability to control all objects living and non living

Vayu tattwa

Air element

Vedanta ( Ve daan –ta)

Literal meaning “the end of the Vedas”. The school of thought based primarily on the Upanishads. The philosophy of “Oneness”-the end the Knowledge

Vedas (Vedaas)

The revealed scripture of the Hindus - four ancient texts- Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva, which are further divided into Samhita, Brahmana, Aranayaka and Upanishads


Hero’s pose- for concentration and discrminative thinking.


Hero’s pose- for concentration and discrminative thinking.

Vibhuti (Vee bhoo-ti)

Sacred white ash, manifestation of divine power-super normal power


Right enquiry

Vicharana ( Vi-chaa-ra-na)

Right enquiry-the second stage of jhana (knowledge)

Vidya ( Vid-yaa)

Knowledge science art

Vijnanamaya kosha (Vi-jnaa-na-ma-ya)

The intellectual sheath one of three layers of the astral body


Tossing of mind

Viparita karani

Literal translation –“Topsy Turvey “-half shoulder stand