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Term Definition

Sacrificial fire used as a part of Yajna- The God of Fire

Aham (A-ham)

I or ego

Ahimsa (A-him-saa)

Non violence in thought, word or deed.This is one of the Yamas (restrictions) of raja yoga

Ajna (Aaj-naa)

The sixth chakra,the centre of spiritual energy between the two eye brows: the “third” eye


The sixth chakra,the centre of spiritual energy between the two eye brows: the “third” eye

Antar mouna

Internal silence-mediative practice

Anuloma viloma

Alternate nostril breathing

Anusara yoga

Called heart-oriented, this form of Hatha yoga integrates the celebration of the heart, universal principles of alignment, and energetic asanas.

Apana (A-paa-na)

Downward moving manifestation of Prana


Non greed, non hoarding, one of the five yamas, or restraints, which are the first of the eight stages of classical Yoga.

Ardha (Ar-dha)


Ardha dhanurasana

Half Bow pose

Ardha matsyendrasana

Half spinal twist yoga position

Asan point

In practice is the point where after in an asana one holds the breath and the mind goes into silence.

Asana (Aa-sa-na)

Posture or  position. Poses for meditation or body control