Term | Definition |
Agni | Sacrificial fire used as a part of Yajna- The God of Fire |
Aham (A-ham) | I or ego |
Ahimsa (A-him-saa) | |
Ajna (Aaj-naa) | The sixth chakra,the centre of spiritual energy between the two eye brows: the “third” eye |
Anahata(A-naa-ha-ta) | The sixth chakra,the centre of spiritual energy between the two eye brows: the “third” eye |
Antar mouna | Internal silence-mediative practice |
Anuloma viloma | Alternate nostril breathing |
Anusara yoga | Called heart-oriented, this form of Hatha yoga integrates the celebration of the heart, universal principles of alignment, and energetic asanas. |
Apana (A-paa-na) | Downward moving manifestation of Prana |
Aparigraha | |
Ardha (Ar-dha) | Half |
Ardha dhanurasana | Half Bow pose |
Ardha matsyendrasana | Half spinal twist yoga position |
Asan point | In practice is the point where after in an asana one holds the breath and the mind goes into silence. |
Asana (Aa-sa-na) | Posture or position. Poses for meditation or body control |