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Term Definition
Pancha tattwa

The five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether


Highest, supreme, God

Parampara (Pa-ram-paa-ra)

Guru lineage-a chain of oral teachings

Parashakti (Pa-raa-shak-ti)

The highest energy-Kundalini

Paschimotanasana ( Pas-chi-mot-aa-sa-na)

Sitting forward bend pose

Patanjali (Pa-tan-ja-li)

Author of the Raja Yoga Sutras-Sacred text – Sutras –Threads of wisdom

Payaswini nadi

Energy channel terminating at the right big toe, between poosha and pingala channels

Pingala ( Pin ga-laa)

The nadi to the right side of Sushumna.Its nature: aggressive,logical,analytical-outer directed,rational,objective,hot,masculine,directing left brain activities

Plavini (Plaa-vi-ni)

A variety of yoga breathing exercise- gulping of air


Inner light

Prakriti (Prak-ri-tee)

Mother Nature. Causal matter. Shakti

Prana (Praa-na)

The vital force.Prana one of five major forms of energy-it governs the cervical portion,the verbal mechanism ,the vocal apparatus,the respiratory system.The seat of prana is in the heart. It is the colour of a red gem


The sacred monosyllable OM


breathing technique

Pranayama (Praa-naa-yaa-ma)

Breath control. Control of Prana ( Vital energy)Regulation practice and restraint of breath. The fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga