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Term Definition
Gomukhasana (go-moo-khas-anna)

Cow's face' posture


Quality of nature -tamas, rajas, sattwa


Qualities of natural phenomena, everything in the universe exhibits these three qualities in varying degrees.


One who has gone beyond the three Gunas


Teacher,spiritual leader one who removes darkness

Guruparampara ( Goo-roo-pa-ram-pa-raa)

The Guru lineage


Worlds or universes where gurus reside.

Halasaana (Ha-laa-sa-na)

The plough pose

Hanuman (Ha-new-man)

Monkey God. Symbolic of the mind which has been brought under control

Hatha Yoga

The path of yoga giving first attention to the physical body- which is the vehicle for the spirit. Preference is given to the mobilisation of the body- and control of the breath. Many yoga styles spring from hatha. It is the yoga of physical well-being, designed to balance body, mind, and spirit, a science of yoga which purifies the whole physical body by means of shatkarma, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and concentration, the path of yoga that starts with the practice of asanas.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

One of the ancient scriptures dealing with the path and practices of Hatha Yoga

Ida (Ee-da)

The nadi to the left of the sushumna. Its nature is intuitive, holistic, inner directive, emotional , feminine cool

Ishwara pranidhana

remembrance, which is one of the five niyamas, or observances, and the second of the eight stages of classic Yoga

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga, Founder B. K. S. Iyengar, a form of yoga known for its use of props as aids in performing asanas (poses). A traditional yoga based on the eight limbs of yoga as writen by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.