Term | Definition |
Gomukhasana (go-moo-khas-anna) | Cow's face' posture |
Guna | Quality of nature -tamas, rajas, sattwa |
Gunas | Qualities of natural phenomena, everything in the universe exhibits these three qualities in varying degrees. |
Gunatita | One who has gone beyond the three Gunas |
Guru | Teacher,spiritual leader one who removes darkness |
Guruparampara ( Goo-roo-pa-ram-pa-raa) | The Guru lineage |
Gurupunkti | Worlds or universes where gurus reside. |
Halasaana (Ha-laa-sa-na) | The plough pose |
Hanuman (Ha-new-man) | Monkey God. Symbolic of the mind which has been brought under control |
Hari | |
Hatha Yoga | The path of yoga giving first attention to the physical body- which is the vehicle for the spirit. Preference is given to the mobilisation of the body- and control of the breath. Many yoga styles spring from hatha. It is the yoga of physical well-being, designed to balance body, mind, and spirit, a science of yoga which purifies the whole physical body by means of shatkarma, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and concentration, the path of yoga that starts with the practice of asanas. |
Hatha Yoga Pradipika | One of the ancient scriptures dealing with the path and practices of Hatha Yoga |
Ida (Ee-da) | The nadi to the left of the sushumna. Its nature is intuitive, holistic, inner directive, emotional , feminine cool |
Ishwara pranidhana | remembrance, which is one of the five niyamas, or observances, and the second of the eight stages of classic Yoga |
Iyengar Yoga | Iyengar Yoga, Founder B. K. S. Iyengar, a form of yoga known for its use of props as aids in performing asanas (poses). A traditional yoga based on the eight limbs of yoga as writen by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. |