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Term Definition
Kashaya ( ka –shaa-ya)

The subtle influences on the mind produced by enjoyment- distractions of the mind- hidden impressions

Kati chakrasana

Waist rotating pose

Kevala kumbhaka

Spontaneous cessation of breath without any conscious effort.

Kirtan( keer-tan)

Singing the Lords name- chanting


Afflictions or tensions, according to yoga there are 5 such afflictions present in humans from birth


Tortoise pose


Sheath a term used in yoga- there are five concentric envelopes- bliss, intellect, mind life force and the gross body

Kriya ( Kree-yaa)

Cleansing or purification exercise- 2. activity, dynamic yogic practice

Kriya Yoga

The practice of kundalini yoga

Kumbhaka( kum-bha-ka)

Holding or retention of the breath

Kundalini ( kun – da lee-nee)

Serpent Power- the primordial cosmic energy located within an individual- potential psychic energy

Kundalini Shakti

Refers to the human's potential energy lying dormant in mooladhara (base) chakra like a coiled serpent. When awakened it rises up through the sushumna nadi.

Kundalini Yoga

Also known as Laya Yoga is an approach/ school of Yoga. Based on a 1935 approach by Sivananda Saraswati Kundalini yoga was influenced by the tantra and shakta schools of Hinduism


State of meditation which is like sound sleep, in which one is unaware of outside world and the state of meditation, both

Laya Yoga

Union with the supreme consciousness through pranayama or devotion. Literally, union by absorption