Term | Definition |
Sat (ya) | Truth |
Sattva | Quality of purity |
Sattvapatti ( sat-vaa-paa-ti) | Attainment of the state of purity |
Sattvic | Having the quality of purity |
Saucha | Cleanliness or purity. One of observances of Raja yoga |
Savasana ( Sha-vaa-sa-na) | The corpse pose-classic relaxation pose |
Seetkari pranayama | Breathing technique which involves hissing leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body |
setu | A dam, dike, or bridge |
Setubandhasana (set-too Bhan-dah-sa-na) | |
Shadkriyas (Shaad-kri-yaas) | The six cleansing exercises i.e Neti-Nauli-Dhauti-Basti-Tratak-and Kapalabhati |
Shakti ( shaak-ti) | Power energy. Goddess. Female power |
Shambhavi mudra | A yoga gesture in which one focusses at the mid-eyebrow centre |
Shanti (shaan-ti) | Peace |
Shatkarma | The six yogic techniques of purifying the body |
Sheetali pranayama | cooling breath, a pranayama technique that lowers the body temperature by inhaling through the mouth while letting the breath flow in over the tongue- see Sitali spelling |