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Term Definition
Siddhasana ( Sid –dhaa-sa-na)

Comfortable pose-sitting pose –Many yogis feel that this the most important of asanas/ poses. Also known as Accomplished pose a meditative seating posture in which the left heel presses the perineum (stimulating the mooladhara chakra); also called as the adept's pose or the 'pose of perfection'- female version-left heel into Vagina known as Siddha yoni asana


Psychic power

Simhasasana (Sim-haas-sa –na)

Lion pose

Sirhasana( Shirsh-aa-sa-na)

Headstand pose

Sitali (see-ta-li)

(Mild pranayama)a breathing technique performed with tongue folded in half–a cooling breath- see Sheetali spelling


(Mild pranayama) A breathing technique with tongue folded back-cooling to the body

Sitting wide angle pose


Siva (shee-vaa)

The third of the Hindu trinity-Supreme Lord-bestower of auspiciousness on His Devotees

Siva Samhita

Ancient scripture dealing with Hatha yoga

Sivananda ( She-va-naan-da)

Guru of Swami Vishnu-devanda-the inspiration of the Sivananda Yoga teachings and centres worldwide

Soham (So-haam)

Ancient verdict assertation meaning “I am that I am”


Divine nectar of the moon

Soma chakra

sixteen petalled chakra situated above ajna and manas chakras


A prop used a to assist in yoga

Subechcha (Sub-bech-chaa)

Longing for the Truth. the first stage of jhana (knowledge)