Term | Definition |
Sakala pramatribhava | State of meditation in where we are also aware of outside world. |
Salabhasasana ( sa-la-bhaa-sa-na) | The Locust pose |
Sama | Tranquility |
Samadhi (Sa-maa-dhi) | The Superconscious state - final stage of yoga in which concentration becomes one with the object of concentration; supreme union, absorption, state of God consciousness, realization of one's own nature, the eighth of the eight stages of classic Yoga. |
Samana ( sa-maa-na) | One of the five major pranas ( energy forces). Performs digestion- controls secretions. Its seat is in the region of the navel. Its colour between pure milk and crystal |
Samsara ( Sam saa-raa) | The continuous wheel of births deaths |
Samskara ( Sam-skaa-ra) | The subtle impression of past lives- experiences-mental behavioural patterns- genetic memories- beliefs, attitudes and persona |
Samyama | Perfect restraint. Complete balance of repose and concentration-via meditation and Samadhi in a developed yogi |
Sankalpa | Spiritual resolve |
Sankirtan | Devotional chanting |
Sannyasi | One who has renounced the world in seek of self-realization |
Sanskrit | A language used in of Yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism, considered ancient and "historical". |
Santosh(a) (Sann-tosh-aa) | Contentment-one of observances prescribed in Raja Yoga |
Saraswati | Goddess who bestows knowledge of fine arts and power of speech |
Sarvangasana (Sar-van-gaa-sa-naa) | Shoulder Stand pose |