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Term Definition
Tiryaka tadasana

Swaying palm tree pose

Tolasana (toe-lahs-ana)

Sitting crossed leg balance pose on hands-also known as scale pose

Tratak ( Traa-tak)

Steady gazing with the purpose of cleansing strengthening the eyes. It also improves concentration A candle is often used in this practice.

Trikonasana (Tree-ko-naa-sa-na)

Triangle pose


Balancing stick pose –on one leg- also known as Warrior III known as Virabhadrasana III

Ubhaya Padagusthasana

ubhaya "both", padangusta "big toe", asana "pose"- balance pose

Udana (oo-daa-na)

One of the five major pranas with its seat in the throat.  Udana controls the swallowing of food and the duties which take the individual to sleep. Udana also acts as a psychic force that separates the astral body from the physical body at time of death

Uddiyana bandha (ood-dee-ya na)

An important bandha in which the belly is contracted after exhalation

Ujjayi (pranayama)

An advanced Pranayama( breathing technique) produces a light sonorous sound.

Umani avasthe (Ooo-ma-ni-a -vas-tha)

Hatha Yoga sub conscious state achieved through control of the Prana

Upavistha Konasana( oo-pah-weesh-tah cone-ahs-anna)


Urdhva Dhanurasana (Ohhd-vah don-your-aah-sann-a)

Upward Bow pose-Wheel

Urdhva Hastasana

Raised hands pose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Upward facing dog pose