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Term Definition
subtle body

One of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. 

Sukhasana ( Soo-khaa-sa-naa)

Simple crossed leg pose

Surya ( Soor-ree-ya)

The Sun

Surya Bheda ( soor-yah-bhe-da)

An advanced Pranayama – breathing technique which increases heat to the body

Sushumna (Soo-shum-naa)

The central nadi or astral nerve which runs through the spinal cord

Sutra neti

A Shadkriya- cleansing technique for the nasal passage – using string or catheter passed through the nose and exits through the mouth- to clean nasal passage( advanced kriya)

Swadharma ( swa-dhar-maa)

One’s own prescribed duty in life- according to eternal law

Swadhisthana (svaa-dhiss-taa-na)

Second from bottom of the six chakras located near the coccyx-tailbone


A monk


Respectful way of addressing a Swami

Swastikasana ( swas-ti-kaa-sa-na)

An important sitting pose for meditation similar to Siddhasna

Swatmarama ( swaat-maa-raa-ma)

Author of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika- ancient text re Hatha Yoga practices


Standing pose- mountain pose used in many forms of yoga

Tamasic (Taa-ma-sick)

Impure rotton (with reference to food) lazy dull

The subtle or astral body

Phallic emblem, usually of stone, representing the creative power of Shiva.