Term | Definition |
Veerasana | Hero’s pose- for concentration and discrminative thinking. |
Veerasana | Hero’s pose- for concentration and discrminative thinking. |
Vibhuti (Vee bhoo-ti) | Sacred white ash, manifestation of divine power-super normal power |
Vichara | Right enquiry |
Vicharana ( Vi-chaa-ra-na) | Right enquiry-the second stage of jhana (knowledge) |
Vidya ( Vid-yaa) | Knowledge science art |
Vijnanamaya kosha (Vi-jnaa-na-ma-ya) | The intellectual sheath one of three layers of the astral body |
Vikshepa | Tossing of mind |
Viparita karani | Literal translation –“Topsy Turvey “-half shoulder stand |
Vishnu | One of the Hindu Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Siva |
Vishnu Granthi | The second knot of the Sushumna located at the Manipura Chakra |
Vishwamitra | Famous sage |
Visuddha | The fifth chakra located at the throat also known as Vishuddhi Chakra |
Vivekanandra | One of the first Yogis to come to the Western world in 1893 Disciple of Ramakrishna |
Vrata | Vow- religious observance |